Organizational Chart

Conglomerate Map
The Parent Company
Monde Nissin Corporation (the “Parent Company” or “MNC”) was incorporated and registered with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on May 23, 1979, primarily to engage in manufacturing, processing, baking, packaging, servicing, repacking, assembling, importing, exporting, buying, selling, trading or otherwise dealing in all kinds of goods, wares and merchandises, which are or may become articles of commerce such as but not limited to candies, confectionaries, biscuits, cakes and other foods, drugs and cosmetics.
On April 20, 2021, and April 21, 2021, the SEC and Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (PSE), respectively, approved the application of the Parent Company for the listing of up to 17,968,611,496 common shares on the Main Board of the PSE.
On June 1, 2021, the Parent Company completed its IPO and was listed on the PSE under the stock symbol “MONDE”. As a public company, it is covered by the Revised Securities Regulation Code (SRC) Rule 68.
The Parent Company’s registered office address is at Felix Reyes St., Barangay Balibago, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna.
Key Subsidiaries
Monde MY San Corporation (MMYSC) was established in 2001 as a joint venture between MNC and My Crackers, Inc. MNC held a 60% stake in MMYSC at the establishment of the joint venture. Through this joint venture, MNC added SkyFlakes, Fita, and M.Y. San Grahams to its product portfolio. In 2021, MNC acquired the remaining 40% stake in MMYSC from My Crackers, Inc., and MMYSC became MNC’s wholly owned subsidiary.
Monde Nissin Holdings (Thailand) handles the export production and management of instant noodles and biscuits brands such as Lucky Me, Kid-O, Bingo, Monde, and Nissin to more than 50 countries globally, particularly in Asia, the Middle East, and North America.
Marlow Foods Limited (United Kingdom) and its subsidiaries are the operating entities for the manufacturing, marketing, and sales of products under the Quorn and Cauldron brands, which trade under the name “Quorn Foods”. Marlow Foods Limited was previously owned by AstraZeneca in 1993 (known as Zeneca at that time) as part of the de-merger of Imperial Chemical Industries, Montagu Private Equity in 2003, Premier Foods PLC in 2005, and Exponent Private Equity in 2011. MNC acquired Marlow Foods Limited from Exponent Private Equity in 2015.
Shareholdings Structure
List of Stockholders as of September 30, 2022
Shareholder | No. of Common Shares | Percentage of Ownership | Amount Paid-Up |
Hartono Kweefanus | 4,214,244,600 | 23.453 | 2,107,122,300.00 |
Betty T. Ang | 3,265,920,000 | 18.176 | 1,632,960,000.00 |
PCD Nominee Corp. (Non-Filipino) | 2,600,383,511 | 14.472 | 1,300,191,755.50 |
PCD Nominee Corp. (Filipino) | 1,520,192,189 | 8.46 | 760,096,094.50 |
Henry Soesanto | 1,508,681,395 | 8.396 | 754,340,697.50 |
My Crackers, Inc. | 1,228,611,496 | 6.838 | 614,305,748.00 |
Hoediono Kweefanus | 948,324,600 | 5.278 | 474,162,300.00 |
Anna Roosdiana Darmono | 765,897,600 | 4.262 | 382,948,800.00 |
Eveline Darmono | 765,897,600 | 4.262 | 382,948,800.00 |
Monica Darmono | 765,897,596 | 4.262 | 382,948,798.00 |
AU Mountain Investments Corporation | 381,060,000 | 2.121 | 190,530,000.00 |
Carousel Holdings, Inc. | 3,000,000 | 0.017 | 1,500,000.00 |
David John Nicol | 234,900 | 0.001 | 117,450.00 |
Edwin Lee Lapasaran Lim &/or Ma. Hope C. Lim | 200,000 | 0.001 | 100,000.00 |
Cristobal S. Hautea | 60,000 | 0 | 30,000.00 |
Elvira M. Cruz or Bernardo A. Cruz | 5,000 | 0 | 2,500.00 |
Glenn Maverick Almonte Ang | 600 | 0 | 300 |
Ofelia R. Blanco | 400 | 0 | 200 |
Nina Perpetua D. Aguas | 2 | 0 | 1 |
Kataline Darmono | 2 | 0 | 1 |
Delfin L. Lazaro | 2 | 0 | 1 |
Marie Elaine Teo | 2 | 0 | 1 |
Romeo L. Bernardo | 1 | 0 | 0.5 |